Sirius A Sirius B Sirius B Sirius B Sirius C Sirius C Enki
Sometimes things are hidden deep within So hidden we fail to see them Sometimes its necessary to dripfeed Sidereal Orbit of Sirius A Sometimes its necessary to dripfeed So hidden we fail to see them Sometimes things are hidden deep within
51.2 Earth Year Orbit Sirius A 51.2 Orbit tetrahedral geometry 19.5 degrees The Star of David - 19.5 degrees 51.2 Orbit tetrahedral geometry 19.5 degrees Sirius C 51.2 Earth Year Orbit
51.2 Earth Year Orbit Sirius A Sirius A The Giza Pyramids at 52 degrees The Star of David - 19.5 Degrees Sirius C Sirius B
51.2 Earth Year Orbit Sirius A Sirius A Tetrahedral Geometry = 19.5 degrees The Star of David - 19.5 Degrees Sirius B Sirius B
Sirius B Sirius B Sirius B Sirius B Sirius B Sirius B Sirius B